Monthly Archives: February 2012
Day Eight: Sun

Day Seven: Button
Day Six: Dinner

A special thanks to my friend Kelcie, who fed me this for lunch the other week. I’ve been craving it since then, so I made it tonight for my to-go dinner since I have class late at night.
Arugula, blueberries, almonds, gorgonzola, walnuts, olive oil, and lemon juice. Yum-oh!
Day Five: 10am

In case you want to see what challenges are coming up, you can check that out here!
I’ll be posting one of my dinner late tonight after class =)
Day Four: Stranger

Posting the February Photo-a-day’s from the weekend. The topic for this Saturday was strangers and these are a group of them that I wish I knew!
A bunch of us went to see HellaCappella, which is NorCal’s A Cappella showcase hosted by UC Davis’s own a cappella group, The Spokes [Seen above].
Check out some of the groups here, here, and here! They are stellar! I still can’t believe they make all that noise with just their voices =)