Monthly Archives: October 2012
We were heading to the back side of Yosemite, when we saw these trees in the distance.
To some of you this isn’t a big deal, but for these California evergreen people, it was BEAUTIFUL. Our tires screeched to a halt as we piled out of the car, crossed a stream, sprinted across a meadow, and stood in awe of these babies.
Uh, I would also like to mention that mid sprinting, I may have done a happy dance that caused my phone to fall out and be forever lost among the giant grassy meadow. But seriously, God? Well done. Your creation is beautiful.
Yosemite: a cure for wanderlust
“Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop away from you like the leaves of Autumn.” – John Muir
“When’s your next day off work? Adventure?”
These are words I could always say to Chad. Our first 18 weekends our freshmen year were dedicating to gathering up people in a car and going. Anywhere. Somewhere. Nowhere. Our kindred hearts took us on many adventures.
Living in the valley sometimes feels like cabin fever. The past couple of years I’ve worked hard to find contentment in this place and I think I have. But sometimes, you just need a mountain [and a waterfall doesn’t hurt.] So that’s what we did. Bryan, Chad, and I piled up into the car at 5 am. Just in time to watch the sunrise entering into Yosemite.
Safe to say that my wanderlust is cured
…for now.
Kate & Justin Engaged
This is my favorite kind of engagement session. We pack up a car, road trip out together, talking, chatting, and getting to know each other. The day is spent in special spots that reflect what they love. It’s sessions like these where their love jumps through the photo: the way he puts her hand on her lower back, the way she smiles at him. These two have got it bad for each other.
Constellations // Lake Manzanita
Constellations // The Ranch
My favorite thing to photograph is love. My second favorite…stars.